03 April 2006

03-Apr-2006 Position

14'09.5N/107'52.0W at local Noon
  • 03-Apr-2006
143nm made good last 24 hours. 482 Miles from Z-town.

Had another great night of sailing making. Our longest mileage so far... 143nm!!

Its getting hotter and hotter every day. The decks are hot to stand on. We had a night of lots of fish swimming around the boat and birds trying to land on the boat. This morning a tiny helicopter from a tuna boat out here flew over us. Just when you think no one is around! Lots of flying fish everywhere. We went through a school of about 100 porpoises jumping all around us.

We just started the engine as all the wind went away. We even tried the spinnaker, but no wind is no wind.

The Sirius radio is still working for about half the day. But its life is getting shorter every day.

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