16 September 2008

Kytera Island, Greek Islands

Med Moored Backwards
Kytera Island
Southern Ionian Islands
(click on photo to see Sandpiper)

Kythera Island, our last stop here in Greece and a beautiful one at that. Not to mention the birth place of Aphrodite. Our arrival here was our first overnight sailing trip since Cyprus. To our amazement we actually were able to sail the entire way, making 6-7 knots, and quite smoothly too. Upon arrival we were side tided to the quay to make room for everyone. But once it started to clear out, we med-moored.

The second night here the winds started to pick-up, gusting up to 30 knots. So we had to set a second stern anchor and hang out on board to make sure all was OK. Even though we have been here just shy of a week, we decided to take it easy and just get a few boat jobs done. We can save our money and hang on the boat. Besides we have free WiFi here.

Since here we have done a through cleaning on the inside, cleaning out this locker, and that locker, and even throwing some items away. Tom spent most of his time in the engine room, (surprise!) working on that dreaded heat exchange pump one last time.

While tied up here at the quay we met a few Americans on vacation and had dinner with Jay and Annai (sorry if I totally misspelled your name), a couple from Seattle here on their honeymoon. Always a pleasure hanging with non-boat people.

We have been watching the weather everyday via our free WiFi . It looks like the weather will be in our favor to cut the lines loose from the quay tomorrow morning. We will embark on a 400 nautical miles, or 4 day, trip to the tiny island nation of Malta. We are hoping to sail most of the way. A few of the sites we monitor the weather on are GRIB and Passage Weather.

Once we arrive in Malta our game plan is to check in, source out a replacement pump or two, provision, and check out. In my ideal world I would like to spend few days on Malta, get the big jump to Spain over with so I can take Tom to a Spanish Bullfight.

We will try to do a few updates during our passage and don’t forget to check out the new photos, videos, and my first published article in the October issue of Latitudes and Attitudes Magazine online.

One Love
Amy and Tom

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